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Organization within the Neo Admin Center
Getting Started with the 'Organization'
What's Neo Admin Center?
What's the Freshworks Organization? What Does it Mean for Me?
Navigating to and around the Neo Admin Center
What is and How Can I Change My Organization URL?
I am an Existing Customer. What Changes will I Face with the Creation of Organization?
See all 8 articles
Moving an Account to Organization
How Do I Import an Account to My Organization?
Why Should I Move an Account to an Organization?
What Happens When I Request to Import an Account from Another Organization?
What are the Impacts After I Move an Account to My Organisation?
What Happens When Someone Requests for the Transfer of an Account in My Organization?
Org Admin Role and Custom Roles
Who is an Organization Admin? What Can an Organization Admin Do?
Can Some Other Person Be Assigned as the Org Admin?
Can I Remove Someone as an Organization Admin?
Can an Organization Admin Modify Users' Profiles?
A complete guide to admin roles within Neo Admin Center
Past Feature Releases
Changes to the Freshworks switcher with the release of Organisation feature
Organization Feature - Release Notes
Self-serve Billing Portal
Authentication and Security
Support articles on Freshworks' Sign In
How Can I Secure Access to My Freshworks Accounts?
I Forgot My Password. How Can I Reset It?
I Want to Change My Password. How Can I Do It?
How Can I Customize the Password Policy for My Organization?
My Account is Locked. How Can I Unlock My Account?
See all 8 articles
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Here is What You Need to Know About the New Security UI
What is Single Sign-On (SSO)? How does SSO work?
Terms and their Definitions to Understand SSO better
How to Implement Single Sign-On (SSO) for Freshworks?
How to Configure SSO with a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider?
See all 17 articles
Two-Factor Authentication
How Can I Enable/Disable Two-Factor Authentication?
I Lost My Device That is Used to Configure 2FA. How Can I Log In?
How Can an Organization Admin Enforce 2FA as a Policy for All or Some Users in the Organization?
I Have Lost Both the Device and the Recovery Codes Needed to Finish 2FA. How Can I Log in to My Account?
How Can an Organization Admin Send Recovery Codes to the User?
See all 6 articles
Session Management
Can I Specify The Number of Concurrent/Parallel Sessions A User of My Organization Can Have Active?
How can I configure Session Timeout?
How can configure Idle Session Timeout?
Unified Billing Experience
How can I choose the right plan?
How can I purchase/activate a subscription?
How can I switch currency during purchase?
How can I buy more licenses?
How can I decrease the number of licenses?
How can I upgrade my subscription plan?
How to add add-ons to my plan?
How can I move to a lower plan?
See all 9 articles
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs on Offline Billing
Offline Customers
Unified Billing Experience for Offline Paying Customers
Freshworks Analytics
Building reports
Building a new report
Working with widgets
Searching for widgets and reports
Visualizations in Analytics
Adding a text widget to a report
See all 11 articles
Sharing reports
Sharing reports with the team
Exporting data
How to...
How to group data by more than 2 attributes?
How to create a custom attribute by combining 2 attributes?
How to set date range dimension?
AI features
Freddy Insights
Why is the date not included in the scheduled widget or report file name that's emailed to recipients?
Can the owner of a report be changed?
Who can change the ownership of reports and how?
What happens to existing private reports created by a user who is deleted from the system?
What happens to existing shared reports created by a user who is deleted from the system?
See all 10 articles
Advanced Analytics
Advanced funnel chart
Analytics at a glance
Introduction to Analytics and some answers to FAQs
Breaking down terms used in Analytics
What's new in Analytics?
Sub Totals and Grand Totals
Unified Analytics for Freshworks Customer Service Suite
Freddy AI and Chatbots
Getting started with Chatbots
How to build a simple bot flow with Freddy Self-service
Configuring dialogs in Freddy Self Service
What are the differences between the input options in the bot builder?
Customizing your bot widget
Versioning in Freddy Self-service bots
See all 13 articles
Multilingual Chatbots with Freddy
Languages supported in Freddy Self-service
Configuring multilingual support in Freddy Self-service
Deploying multilingual bots with Freddy Self-service
Chatbot Integrations
Integrating Freshdesk with Freddy Self-service
Assign a conversation to a Freshchat Agent from chatbot
Advanced configuration in Chatbots
Using functions in the bot builder
Setting up parameters for contextual support
Bot activities
How to set up custom properties (attributes) in Freddy Self-service?
Using custom Javascript functions in Freddy Self-service bots
See all 7 articles
Chatbots FAQs
The A-Z of the Bot Builder in Freddy Self-service
Freddy Self-service billing FAQs
What are the input options supported by the Freddy Self-service bot?
What are the differences between using the Freddy Self-service widget and the Conversations widget?
Deploying your Chatbots on your support channels
Deploying the bots on your website
Deploying your Freddy Self-service bot on the Freshchat widget
Use Freddy Self-service widget and assign to Freshchat agent
Using different bot flows for multiple Freshchat channels/topics
Common troubleshooting tips while integrating Freshchat with Freddy Self-service
See all 8 articles
Freshworks Support
How Do I Create a HAR File From My Browser to Send to the Freshworks Support Team?
Developer Experience and Marketplace
Dev Experience
Getting started with Freddy Copilot
Getting started with apps from the Global Apps Framework
Policies and Data Protection
Remote Authentication and Single Sign On
Single Sign-On in Freshdesk
Configuring custom SSO policies under Org
Setting up single sign-on for your WordPress users
Reauthorization of custom mailbox
Restrict access to your support portal using IP address
Password policy
Restricting helpdesk access to certain domains ( Domain whitelisting)
TLS V1.1 support deprecation
Allowlist NAT IPs
See all 12 articles
Ticket Archiving
Spam and trash
Freshworks - Terms of Service (ToS) Update - March 2019
Freshworks Privacy - Update
Freshworks - Terms of Service (ToS) Update - April 2020
See all 9 articles
HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA Configuration Guide
Freshworks Neo Admin
What is Freshworks Neo Admin Center?
Organization Admins in Neo Admin Center
How to Access Freshdesk with Freshworks Neo Admin Center
Fresh ID