• A report can be used to group and observe relevant data. For instance, if you're looking to create a dashboard to monitor your support team's performance, you'd create a report.

  • A report consists of widgets. A widget can be configured to track one or many metrics, with some slicing and dicing through filters and group by. Filters can be applied to a single widget as well as all the widgets in a report. You can organize your report by creating multiple pages of widgets. The upper limit is 10 so use it wisely.




  • Filters can be basic - single group of match ALL or ANY fields - or advanced, involving multiple groups of fields that might be match ALL in one group and match ANY in another.

  • When you group by a value, Freshworks Analytics automatically picks the best visualisation for your data. You can toggle between the visualisations, if you'd so prefer, but for some kinds of data, it might be Hobson's choice aka you only have one option.

  • You can view the data for a widget by clicking on 'View underlying data'. The data is shown in a tabular form; the size of the screen limits us to a certain number of columns but you can choose which columns you'd like to view by clicking on the gear icon, present to the upper right of the table.

  • You can choose to apply a rank order to the data as well i.e you're making sure that only the top 5 or bottom 5 values are used for the analysis. Rank order is available for use with widgets that have one metric and one group by option.

  • A metric is a number property that you can operate on. E.g. total tickets, total employees. An attribute is a number or a text or boolean property that you can use to filter or group metrics by. E.g. ticket source, employee department.

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