Let's say you want to create a new custom attribute that's a combination of ticket urgency and ticket priority. Perform the following steps to create this custom attribute.

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Custom Attributes.
  3. Click Create Attribute.
  4. Enter a name for your custom attribute. Let's call it 'Urgency and Priority'.
  5. Optionally, enter a description for the attribute.
  6. Select the module. You can select 'Tickets' for this example.
  7. Select the data type. You can select 'String' for this example.
  8. Click Functions in the Insert section and scroll down to the string functions.
  9. Click CONCAT so that it appears in the Formula section.
  10. Click Columns in the Insert section and search for Urgency.
  11. Click Urgency so that it appears as a parameter for CONCAT in the Formula section.
  12. Enter a comma and then type " : ", followed by another comma.
  13. Click Columns in the Insert section and search for Priority.
  14. Click Priority so that it appears as the last parameter for CONCAT in the Formula section.
  15. Click Check Syntax and ensure that a message appears confirming the formula as valid.
  16. View the sample value of the attribute in the Preview section.
  17. Click Save Attribute.

You can now use this custom attribute in your reports. It will appear as 'Urgency and Priority'.