As an Org Admin, you can choose the default login method under which you can opt for either a pre-set password policy or a custom password policy. Here’s how you can customize your password policy!

  1. Click on the security icon on the left sidebar to define any security policy. 

  2. Under Freshworks Login, you’ll see, ‘Select your password policy level.’ Click on ‘Custom.’

  3. You will be presented with the following options to choose from: 

  • Minimum length of x characters.

  • Cannot contain the username or email address

  • Password expires in _days

  • Should not be the same as last _ password(s)

  • Should have at least one alphabet and one number

  • Should have letters in mixed case

  • Should have at least one special character (such as $ # @ etc)

4. Click on ‘Save’ at the bottom.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to write to [email protected] with your queries. We're more than happy to help.