A curated experience is the only way through which businesses can unlock the full value and potential of products and the features. Freshworks Analytics has Custom Attributes which can make data visualisation through grouping, a tailor-made experience.
Let's begin with the basics.
What is an attribute?
An attribute is a number or a text or boolean property that you can use to filter or group metrics by. E.g. ticket source, employee department.
Custom Attributes
Just like metrics, you can now customize the way you want to group and view your data with the help of custom attributes. They can also be grouped by basic arithmetic operations or other functions across categories as follows:
FUNCTIONS | Command | Meaning |
Date | fx DATEDIFF_SECONDS | Returns the difference between X and Y in seconds, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_MINUTES | Returns the difference between X and Y in minutes, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_HOURS | Returns the difference between X and Y in hours, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_DAYS | Returns the difference between X and Y in days, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_WEEKS | Returns the difference between X and Y in weeks, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_MONTHS | Returns the difference between X and Y in months, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx DATEDIFF_YEARS | Returns the difference between X and Y in years, X being the later date and Y being the earlier date |
| fx SECOND | Returns X with seconds as the unit |
| fx MINUTE | Returns X with minutes as the unit |
| fx HOUR | Returns X with hours as the unit |
| fx DAY | Returns X with days as the unit |
| fx MONTH | Returns X with months as the unit |
| fx YEAR | Returns X with years as the unit |
Number |
| fx CEIL | Returns the least integer greater than or equal to X Example CEIL (2.5) is 3 |
| fx FLOOR | Returns the largest integer lesser than or equal to X Example FLOOR (2.5) is 2 |
| fx ROUND | Rounds the number up to nearest integer value. Example ROUND (2.5) is 3 |
| fx EXP | Returns the value of e (Euler's number) to the power of X Example EXP (2) is 7.38906 |
| fx GREATEST | Returns greatest value among all fields Example GREATEST (1, 2, 3) returns 3 |
| fx LEAST | Returns least value among all fields Example LEAST (1, 2, 3) returns 1 |
| fx LN | Returns the value of natural logarithm function of X (base e logarithm of X) Example LN (2) is 0.6931471805599453 |
| fx POWER | Returns value of X to the power of Y Example POWER (2, 3) will return 8 |
| fx SQRT | Returns the value of square root of X. Example SQRT (4) will return 2 |
String | fx CONCAT | Returns a string that is basically X1, X2, X3 strung together. Example CONCAT (Down, To, Boogie) will return 'DownToBoogie' as a value |
| fx LEFT | Returns a string that starts from a number of characters (n) from the beginning of X. Example LEFT (STRING, 1) will return 'TRING' |
| fx RIGHT | Returns a string that starts from a number of characters (n) from the end of X. Example RIGHT (STRING, 1) will return G |
| fx LENGTH | Returns the number of characters in X Example LENGTH (STRING) will return 5 |
| fx LTRIM | Returns the string X with leading spaces removed Example LTRIM ( STRING) will return 'STRING' |
| fx RTRIM | Returns the string X with trailing spaces removed Example RTRIM (STRING ) will return 'STRING' |
| fx LPAD | Returns the string with empty leading space padding on the left, based on given length. Example LPAD(STRING, 2) will return ' STRING' |
| fx RPAD | Returns the string with empty trailing space padding to the right, based on given length. Example RPAD (STRING, 2) will return 'STRING ' |
| fx REPEAT | Returns the string X repeated n times. Example REPEAT (STRING, 2) will return 'STRINGSTRING' |
| fx REVERSE | Returns the string X in reverse. Example REVERSE (STRING) will return 'GNIRTS' |
| fx SUBSTRING | Returns a substring of X, beginning from position 'n' - counted from left to right. Example SUBSTRING (STRING, 2) will return 'RING' |
| fx TRIM | Returns X with leading and trailing whitespace removed Example TRIM ( STRING ) will return 'STRING' |
Logical | fx BETWEEN | Returns 1 if X is between Y and Z Example BETWEEN (2, 1, 3) will return 1 |
| fx NOTBETWEEN | Returns 1 if X is not between Y and Z Example NOTBETWEEN (1, 2, 3) will return 1 |
| fx ISNULL | Returns 1 if X is null, else 0 Example ISNULL (CLOSE DATE) |
| fx ISNOTNULL | Returns 1 if X is not null, else 0 Example ISNOTNULL (CLOSE DATE) |
| + | Addition |
| - | Subtraction |
| * | Multiplication |
| / | Division |
| % | Modular Division |
Goto Analytics tab from your left menu
Click Settings icon on the top-right corner
Select “Custom Attributes” from the side menu
Click on “Create Attribute” to start creating your custom metrics by using a combination of functions or operators
Click “Save Attribute” once done
Use this custom attribute to view the metrics the way you would like to
If you want to group data by just the month of the resolution date, you can do so by creating a custom attribute as follows:
Month(Resolution due by)

Freshservice: To determine the total ticket resolution time, you can do as follows:
DATEDIFF_DAYS(Created date,Resolved date)
Freshsales: To identify the delay in sales activity, you can apply the following:
DATEDIFF_DAYS(Due date,Completed date)
Similar article: Creating Custom Metrics
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