OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework for third-party applications. On behalf of a resource owner, third-party applications like Freshworks use OAuth 2.0 to get limited access to an HTTP service. The framework also enables an approval interaction of the resource owner with the HTTP service. In addition, OAuth 2.0 supports direct access to the HTTP services by the third-party application.

To learn more about SSO, refer to these articles below.

How OAuth 2.0 works

  1. If you, the user, haven't already signed in, you will be redirected from the application to your authorization URL, requesting an authorization code. 

  2. Freshworks receives the requested authorization code from the authorization server.

  3. Freshworks makes a request to your access token URL, exchanging the code obtained for an access token.

  4. Your authorization server will return an access token to Freshworks.

  5.  Freshworks then makes a request to your UserInfo URL with the access token obtained.

  6. Your server will then return the user’s information in JSON format

Step-by-step process on how to configure SSO with OAuth 2.0

  1. Log in using your organization URL. Click on the 'Security' icon in the sidebar. 
  2. Under Security> Agents & Employees > Default Login Methods, you can enable SSO to simplify your users' login experience. Default login methods are applicable for all users in the organization, including admins/agents. If you want to create specific policies for a particular account or portal, configure it under Custom Policies. For contacts, configure any security policies under Security > Contacts. 
  3. Choose OAuth 2.0 as your login protocol and the IdP of your choice.
    Note: Organization Admins are the only ones who can configure SSO.
    Note: You can access the Neo Admin Center by opening the Freshworks Switcher and clicking on your organization domain link.
  4. Use the Redirect URL provided by Freshworks in your Identity provider configuration.
  5. You will be presented with the following fields that you need to fill with the information you get from the IdP side:
    • Client Id

    • Client secret

    • Authorization URL (to redirect to the login page of IdP, if not already logged in)

    • Access token URL (to get the user access token)

    • Logout URL (optional - user will be redirected to this page on logout)

    • User info URL (to get the user information based on the access token obtained by invoking the access token URL)

Params to be shared



Sample Value

Minimum requirement

Client Id

Client Id as generated by IdP



Client Secret

Client secret as generated by IdP



Logout Redirect URL

URL where the user should be redirected post logout



Login display title

Text that will be displayed on the login button

Login with Awesome Company


Logo URL

Logo to be displayed on the login page. Size should be 36x36 px. Only PNG & SVG is accepted


Authentication Method

Authentication method to be used while making a call to the token endpoint



Default: BASIC

Authorization Endpoint

URI where the user should be sent to for authorization


Token Endpoint

Endpoint URI that is used to exchange token


User Info Endpoint

Endpoint URI that will be used to fetch user info



Scopes that should be used during authorization call



Id Path

Path to Json that holds Id of the user



Email Path

Path to Json that holds the email address of the user



First Name Path

Path to Json holds the first name of the user



Middle Name Path

Path to JSON holds the middle name of the user



Last Name Path

Path to JSON that holds the last name of the user



Phone Path

Path to JSON that holds the phone number of the user



Mobile Path

Path to JSON that holds the mobile number of the user



Locale Path

Path to JSON that holds the Locale of the user



Job Title Path

Path to JSON that holds the job title of the user



Company Path

Path to JSON that holds the company name of the user



1. Once all the configurations are correct on both the sides, the user info endpoint URL should mandatorily return sub and email claims. Without these claims, it is not possible for to authenticate the user.
2. Call from Freshworks to the token endpoint has a timeout of 10 seconds.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to write to [email protected] with your queries. We're more than happy to help.