1. What are admin roles, and who can create them?  
  2. How can I create admin roles? 
  3. How can I assign users to roles? 
  4. How can I view assigned permissions? 
  5. How can I edit permissions?
  6. How can I unassign roles? 

1. What are admin roles, and who can create them?  

Admin roles let you create specific administrative roles per the assigned responsibilities. 
As an org admin, you can create a clutter-free experience for admins for their specific roles and add an extra layer of security to permission sharing. Admin roles help you manage access to specific features of the Neo admin center.

Org admins of Neo admin Center can create and manage admin roles. The roles assigned will have permission to manage the entitlements to which they are provisioned. That is, user management admins can manage user profiles, audit log admins can view logs, and so on. 

2. How can I create admin roles? 

Under the ‘Users’ tab, navigate to the ‘Admin Roles’ Section. 

Click on + Create Role. Type in a name, and select applicable permissions. You can give the new role read access or both read and update access. With the update access, an admin can change the chosen permission. Once done, click ‘Create.’ 

You can configure admin roles  for the following modules:  

  • User Management: Manage permissions for organization role assignment, user email, and other profile settings

  • User-level Security: Manage security permissions such as 2FA and password change at the individual user level in the organization

  • Org-level Security: Manage the organization's security policies, including SSO integration, password policies, and more

  • Audit Logs: Track billing and administrative logs on access and action with date and time

You cannot configure admin roles  for the following modules:  

  • Billing: Billing remains an Org Admin level entitlement, and you cannot configure it in this module 

  • Organization details: Details such as URL, logo and address also are default org admin responsibilities that cannot be changed. 

3. How can I assign users to roles? 

If you are creating a new custom role, you will be redirected to the screen to assign team members to the newly created role. 

Click on ‘Assign Users’.  Select the user you want to add to this Custom Role. 

Click on Assign. 

If you are adding users to a pre-existing role, simply click on it to add users. 

You will get a list of all existing users, add new ones, and have a chance to assign new users. 

Click on assign users and choose one you would want. 

Click on assign. A success message is shown when users are assigned to the custom role.

4.How can I view assigned permissions? 

Click on the role for which you want to view permissions.

Select Edit Permissions. 

Here, you can view assigned permissions and modify them if you are an Org Admin or have the permissions. 

5. How can I edit permissions?

Select the role you want to edit. 

Click on ‘Edit permissions’. You will get a complete view of each role's granular permissions and Read or Update. 

Note: For org users, you can specify only the profile fields they can edit and view.  Since they are not admins, you will see a different list. 

Click on Save once you have chosen the required fields. 

6. How can I unassign roles? 

Click on the role. Hover over the user to find the ‘— Unassign’ option.

Select Yes, Confirm.

You will receive a success message notifying you of the change.